Monday, September 3, 2012

Disneyland Half Marathon 2012

Disneyland Half Marathon 2009

Once a year or so, I convince Kelvin to step away from the podium, and do a fun run with me! This year was no different when we took on the Disneyland Half Marathon 2012! So how did we discover this Disneyland half marathon business? Well, it all started in 2008 when we were shopping at The Great Mall in Milpitas! Disney was having their warehouse clearance event, and we were looking through the t-shirt rack. Kelvin noticed a shirt that said "Goofy's Challenge" and oh yeah, this was around the time I was barely getting into long distance running (still weighing 155 lbs). We decided that we were going to do it! We got home and looked it up, and saw that it was in Florida -___-. Bummer. It was only then that we saw there was one held in Disneyland, but it was for the following year -- 2009! After thinking about for about a week or so, we decided we were going to register! Then in 2009, we geared up and ran it! I managed to lose a little bit of weight, but really gave it my all! I bought Cinderella colored clothes, and Kelvin dressed up like a Jedi. This was my official finishing time of 2009! After that run, we were hooked! We saw so many creative and innovative costumes! The one that really caught our attention were a group of 3 friends who dressed up as Huey, Dewey, and Louie! Their costumes were original, and they were fast. I wanted to be like that too! So the mindset was set... from now we were going to do the Disneyland Half Marathon every year!

And the rest was history...

Disneyland Half Marathon 2010

Disneyland Half Marathon 2011

Photo credit: Brightroom

....Last year we didn't get a picture with Russell & Dug from "Up", so I really wanted to run as the same characters so we could finally get that picture!! After a brief conversation, Kelvin agreed to dawn that Kevin head once more :).  Unfortunately, Russell and Dug were not a part of the characters on the course this year!! :( Kelvin was not happy about that one, but I was even more upset! Oh well.

Disneyland Half Marathon 2012

Photo credit: Joey from MouseInfo

The day before the run, we found out that there were age division awards for this run. With that said, we will be back next year but it's unknown if we'll be trying for awards or if we'll be back in costumes! Nonetheless, thank you to everyone who complimented our costumes (mainly Kelvin's haha), and if you have a picture of you in a costume or a picture with one of us, or both, please send it! I want to make a collage haha. Oh! And one last thing, THANK YOU TO RUN DISNEY FOR PUTTING ON EVENTS LIKE THESE!!! :D :D :D :D

Photo Credit:
Can you find Kevin and the house? :)