Sunday, June 17, 2012

Let's Hear It For The Dads!

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." -- Billy Graham

     As the post title suggests, this post is to the dads who've stepped up their game! So let me sit and thank the dads who have, at different parts, entered my life and left their mark in my livelihood. Before you go off thinking that this is a post talking about my father, it is not. This is about the MEN who stepped in when he stepped out.
     So it's no surprise to any one who knows me, to know that I grew up without a dad in my life. He exited it when I was 5 years old, I've been without him longer than I've been with him; I'd like to think that it's better that he isn't in my life, so don't feel sorry for me because I don't feel sorry for me. I was fortunate enough to have a grandpa  who took on the task of becoming my constant babysitter. He literally took me everywhere with him. He took me to the Lion plaza when he'd go shopping, looking around, or gambling during New Years. He made sure I had my peanut butter and sugar sandwich before I left for school everyday, and a homemade Vietnamese dinner to eat when I came home. He was my first karate instructor and pushed me to do a talent show (home video hilariousness) when I was in the third grade. When I think about dad, he's the first person that comes to mind. I miss him so much, and even when he's older now and not as swift as he once was... he will always be my one and only G.Pa! 
     Another little fact about myself (not one I'm particularly proud of) is that I have a genuinely hard time maintaining valuable relationships. More times than not, I tend to be alone whether it be a conscious effort or not. It really take a conscious effort for me to maintain friendships and relationships because I'm actually used to being alone --and for the most part it's ok by me. This is where I bring in my god-father. He came into my life when I was 14 years old as my track coach, and 2 years later as my god-father. He inspired me to believe in myself, and bought me my first pair of actual running shoes. Until the day I met him, I was rocking some all black basketball shoes from Marshalls. I remember the running shoes were a size 7 red & white New Balance shoes. A serious and dedicated man, once he's got something in his mind, he is determined to make it work even if he loses sleep! He is one of the most hard working men that I know, and puts 150% in everything he does. Even until this day, he is unrelenting to maintain our relationship. Although sometimes it is difficult for us to get together just to have lunch and catch-up, he makes sure that it happens and instead of letting this relationship fall at the wayside, this is one relationship that's worth fighting for.
     Last but not least of these lists of father figures in my life is the man I've only started calling dad approximately 6 months ago. I've been dating his son for about 7 years, and for those 6 & half years, I've always called him uncle. Strong and silent is how I like to describe him. He won't ever ask how I'm doing to my face, but he'll always ask Kelvin or ask his wife about my whereabouts and my well-being. The title "dad" hasn't been exactly a practiced habit of mom unlike the words "mom" or "sisters". Honestly, I don't even know patriarchal nouns in Vietnamese. He is a simple man with a complex heart. Again, I'm practicing the term dad with him and sometimes it feel extremely unnatural, but not because he is not worthy of the title. It's hard to describe a man who does so much and sacrifice so much to make and keep his family happy, safe, and secure. When I think of an image of what a dad should be, I think of this man because he is truly the dad of the dads. 
     I have been fortunate enough to have 3 men come into my life when I wasn't looking for anyone to fill any type of void. I have been fortunate enough to have 3 men come into my life when I thought I was fine by myself. Overall, I have been fortunate enough to have 3 exceptional male role-models in my life to lead, motivate, and help me reach any goal-- no matter how difficult. If anyone out there is reading this post and you have an awesome dad, go over to him and give him a hug and say, "thanks for being awesome." If your biological father hasn't been there, don't sit and cry over someone who you're probably better without. Why want someone to be in your life who obviously doesn't want you in theirs (that goes for anyone)? In science blood may be thicker than water but when it comes to family that isn't always the case. Be strong, do you. Life is funny, when you're not expecting it, people will come into in your life and fill voids you didn't know you had.

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